Behold, the Fallout 4 ‘Shishkebab’ fire sword in real life!

platinumfungi caleb kraft make fallout shishkebab fire flaming sword

(Originally posted November 12, 2015)

Today we finally get to show you the ‘Shishkebab’ (fire sword) that Caleb Kraft of MAKE and I recently built! Check out the full article HERE, and see the video below. This was a ridiculously fun project to work on in and of itself, but teaming up with Caleb made it even more so! We have very different skill sets that compliment each other quite well, and luckily our personalities match – it’s just plain fun hanging out and building things with him.

Over the years, he and I have built some pretty incredible things together. I can honestly say that when working with him it feels like the sky is the limit. I’m always amazed how limitless your potential can become through collaboration. As the old saying goes, “Faster alone, further together.”

I’m very honored that this project was also featured on The Independent! You can read that article HERE. Sadly they don’t even mention me, but hey at least they talked about our project.