Introducing the ‘TMNT Party Wagon NES’

Introducing the ‘TMNT Party Wagon NES’ – a fully functioning Nintendo Entertainment System built into the vintage TMNT toy van. To my knowledge, it’s the first in the world!
A ton of R&D, a solid month’s worth of labor, countless hours of cutting, sanding, wiring, gluing, action figure modifying, and more went into this one-of-a-kind NES. It wasn’t simply a matter of dropping a top loading NES into the plastic shell of the toy van – it was a grueling process of modifying everything to fit and also look authentic. Parts had to be removed from the NES motherboard and rewired and repositioned inside the van. The top loading cart tray and dust flap were entirely custom built. I actually used parts from BOTH a top loading AND front loading NES AND other miscellaneous parts to make everything look and function the way I wanted. Even the 72 pin connector had to be totally rewired and repositioned to make everything fit and line up for the top loading mechanism.
The headlights and passenger compartment light up, the guns, radar, and armored windshield are posable and removable, there are new ‘glass’ windows, a new steering wheel, and more.
The power and audio/video cables plug into jacks mounted on the back of the van. The POWER and RESET buttons are located on top just in front of the TOP LOADING cart slot. The controller ports are built into the side door.
Leonardo is at the wheel while Michelangelo eats pizza and plays with his nunchucku sitting shotgun.
Matching custom painted controllers with unique overlays mimic the design and color palette of the van. The paint is all professional automotive base coat clear coat system. The clear coat was color sanded and buffed just like you would do on a show car!
A side note – in Europe, the turtles are called the “Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles / TMHT”. In Spanish speaking parts of the world they are known as “Tortugas Ninja” or “Tortugas Ninja Mutantes Adolescentes”.
So awesome…how much for one of those?
How much are they I would love to have one of these
I am 1000% interested in getting something made by you.
Can you contact me so we can discuss a project Im working on.
Thanks for your time.
I was wondering, how much would you charge to make one for me? I am a collecter and this would be amazing for my collection. Plus TMNT was my childhood like most of the other nerds haha.
Hi im curious of the cost for the tmnt party wagon NES.
Hello. It is awesome. $?
What would be the cost of commissioning one for me? Thanks
Are you making these, how much, what all is included?
How much would one of these run me if I wanted to buy one?
OMG !!!
I’m following you since a while and a dream comes true !
WHat a crazy you have done on this rolling nes O_o 🙂
I want mine too in Paris ! PLease help me OH Otaku Nes Senseï 😉
TMNT console is so awesome I would love to know how to get one……super cool
This is seriously THE MOST AMAZING THING I’ve ever seen in my 31 years of life!
Amazing job!
Please let me know how much this version cost
and/or the backlit tmnt 30th anniversary version
thanks in advance
This is awsome how do i get one and how much.
Hi I would like more details please about getting my own.
How much does one of these systems cost? I’m looking for an awesome present for my boyfriend.
I humbly come before your throne of grace good sir. This is the most most epic TMNT NES game console I have ever laid my eyes upon. My life suddenly suddenly dropped into oblivion because I realize how incomplete it is not having this in my life. What must one do to get one of my own? It’s the only way to escape from this bottomless pit of emptiness.
my son would be static if I could get my hands on some like this let me know how and when and if you could engrave his name on it would be crazy
my son is a huge tmnt fan he would be static if I could get my hands on this let me know how and were and if you could engrave his name on it let me know
my son is a huge tmnt fan let me know how to get it
How much?
I love this, truly takes me back to being a kid. I love the minds turtles. How can I get one?
Den auto correct. I meant ninja turtles
Hey, this is permian basin ninja turtle. I’m very interested in your turtle wagon nes system. Big question is what is the price, how long does it take once ordered.
please tell me you can sell this/make another???!!
I’m interested in the TMNT Party Wagon NES – Nintendo built into a Turtle Van toy by Platinumfungi ….
Hi Guys,
All I can say is WOW!!!! That is possibly the most amazing nes I have ever seen, in fact that is just the best thing I have ever seen period. How much would it cost and would you ship to the u.k? Any other details regarding this?
All the best!!
How much to have one of these made?
How much are they?
How can I get one?
My GF is the biggest TMNT fan EVER! I haven’t showed her this. I’m not sure I want to without knowing for sure I can order one for her! Are you willing to do it again!? i’m willing to pay! Please let me know if you think this might be d0-able before xmas this year!!! TIA. Your work is incredibly detailed and I applaud you good sir!
Hey man! I was just wondering if this was available for purchase, and if so what was your asking price? Email me with details please and thank you!
I am such a huge Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fan and I would love to buy this, did you make more and are they for sale?
Hey Tim! I emailed you 🙂
Hey Luke! I sent you an email so we can talk. Thanks 🙂
Hey Matt! I sent you an email 🙂
I sent you an email Brandon!
I sent you an email 🙂
Hey Ryan! I sent you an email.
I would love to know how to get one as well!! Highly, highly impressed with the idea and the detailed work you put in it!
How much would you charge to make this for my husband?
My husband loves TMNT and is a gamer. I thought this would be a great anniversary gift if you still make them. Please email me a price so I can make this happen.
My 6 year old would love this. How much is it?
Awesome much
How much are you asking for one of these systems?
I want one!!
yes my name is Daniel and am from texas. I came across this page because I am a huge turtle fan and would love to know how much you charge for this console. If you can email me back when you can, id greatly appreciate it. thank you for your time.
Send info please!!!
I sent you an email, Arturo 🙂 Let me know if you have any questions.
I sent you an email Daniel. Thanks!
Awesome! I sent you an email.
I sent you an email, John! Let me know if you have any other questions.
Thanks Ervin! I sent you an email with the details.
Hey Karen! I sent you an email. Let me know if you’re interested in anything or have any questions.
I sent you an email 🙂
Thanks for the kind words, and for your patience Jason. I sent you an email!
How much for one of these shipped to UK please 🙂
Hi there, don’t know if my last comment went through, but please email me info and if you ship to the UK! 😀
Please send me info about this. I responded when this first came out (over a year ago?), and haven’t heard anything then. This is the best thing I’ve ever seen. I was a huge TMNT fan as a kid! Played and beat all their NES games.
Hey Don!
I emailed you. Let me know if you’re interested in anything.
I sent you an email, Tom. Thanks!
I would like to know price and how i can achieve this
Love the idea are u still making these and how much are they
How much are they?
Can you emailed l me pricing info
I would love to purchase one. Ninja turtles fo life!
My wife and I are tmnt loversion and have been for over 20 years and our 8 year old daughter is getting into them now too. How much would it cost to have one made.
Morning platinum. My wife and I have been tmnt lovers for over 20 years. I think this would make such a great gift for her and add to my collection. Please let me know how much it would be to make one. I can even supply the nes console. Thanks
Just curious how much one of these are?
This is awesome! How can I get information on possibly ordering one?
Hi, I think that this the best Custom Nes that I ever see, TMNT II was my first nes game. How much a custom nes like this?
Hi, how much?????
How much for one?
Hi there, let me start by saying that this is amazing! You’re very talented and this is by far the coolest nes mod I’ve ever seen! So, how can I get one? 🙂
Thanks and keep up the amazing work!
I would love this how much?
These for sale?
Hi how much for one of these? I’m really interested in placing an order. Please let me know!
Did you use a top loader of front loader
Hey how much for one of these I’m a low income worker and don’t make much at,all but tmnt has been a part of my life and childhood
Please send info on pricing. Thank you
Is it to late to have one of these made? This would be perfect for a special someone!
Are you still making this? I’m interested.
Are you still
Making this. I’m interested.
Hi pal. Just saw this awesome creation on twitter. Way cool! Do you still make them and how much? Does it ship to Ireland?
Cool. Great job! How much does it cost?
How can I get one?
I was wondering if you guys are still making/selling these and if so, how much?
Hello. I’m interested in buying one.
How much for this?
This turtle van nes looks great. Is it still for sale?
Hey!!! How much for one of the party wagons!!
¡Hi! From the future,
Is 2019 now, can i get One please? .
Would love to get one please let me know how.
I know this post is a few years old, but if you are still making these, I’d love to get in contact with you!
I know I’m really late to the party. Do you still make these? If so, please feel free to email me. I’m crazy for gaming & TMNT, so this would be incredible to have.
I don’t know if my message was deleted or didn’t go through, but it isn’t showing up. Please let me know if you’re still making these.
Hello. My son is a huge ninja turtle fan.. I would really love to get him one. Thank you for your time.
I would love an email with a quote on this! This thing is awesome!
Info on price please!
how much did this end up selling for and have u made more?
I was wondering if you are still willing to make one of these or even possibly send specs so someone could try them selves?
If you are still willing to and I could provide both the top loader NES and the party wagon 100% completed what would the costs be?
Ray H.
i know, it‘s a little late… but, How can I get one? ;D
How much? and can you build one using my wagon and NES?
Is it still possible to get one of these and how much is it
How much are these? I life in europe