The ‘Backlit TMNT / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles NES’

(Originally posted 12/23/2013)
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles… to say they have made an impact on the world would be an understatement. The cartoons, the movies, the games, the toys, the costumes, the clothing – they were everywhere in the late 80s and early 90s, and have continued (to be rebooted) to this very day!
Of all the early TMNT video games, I think playing 2 player TMNT II: The Arcade Game on the NES was the most exciting. Fighting hundreds of Foot Soldiers with a friend at your side was like a dream come true.
I decided I wanted to create a tribute to honor the “boys in green”, and in a way give something back to the TMNT community. I also saw this as an opportunity to create something new, and that’s what I love to do – bring something new to the world.
When I set out to create this system, I really wanted to make something that had the look and feel of the original TMNT series. I wanted it to look as ‘stock’ as possible. When you’re working with something that’s so close to people’s hearts you have to make certain you’re careful with how you treat it – you want them to enjoy it, and hopefully feel some of that nostalgia and remember all the memories they have associated with it. There’s a heck of a lot of planning that goes into creating a good looking custom NES, and this one was no exception.
The color palette is critical. I played around with about 20 different design ideas, but eventually locked in on a system that would resemble the turtles themselves. Since they were going to be on the top of the system, I wanted everything to transition as smooth as possible. So, the system is painted two shades of green to represent the turtles themselves – the top half is a dark green and the bottom a lighter, brighter, green. The ‘vent’ and end pieces are painted brown to represent their belts, and the Power/Reset buttons are silver to represent their weapons.
I’m a details guy. I can sit and work for hours on the smallest detail that people will probably never even notice, but to me it’s important so that what I do. One such instance is the audio/video port decals. The original stock decals are a very dark gray color with a light red, almost pinkish, color text. To make a more complete and authentic look for the custom systems, I create my own custom decals. On this system, they are red with white text and have a small black border around the edge. The side decal also has Raphael ‘s head drawn in the center. I made them this way to resemble the top of the original TMNT logo.
The controllers have custom overlays that I designed. I spent many hours trying to make them look as close to the original/stock design as possible, but still making them custom at the same time. I feel like there’s an elegance in simplicity sometimes, so that’s the rule I stuck to here. I might eventually create more elaborate overlays, but I felt these matched the look pretty well.
For their paint job, the front half of each controller is light, bright, green and the back half is a darker green. The four overlays are in the theme of each of the turtles – blue, red, orange, and purple. Each controller also has different color buttons that correspond to that turtle. The end plug that attaches to the NES is also color coordinated with the turtles so you can easily tell which controller is plugged in at any time. (See the photos)
The paint job on the system and all four controllers is all professional automotive grade paints and clear coat painted by Custom NES Guy himself. He’s been painting cars and other pro work for I believe about 16 years now and it shows. I have yet to see someone paint an NES better than he can. He uses the exact same techniques on these NES systems that he does when he paints show cars.
The cut out designs I do on top of the systems are all cut by hand. I use a dremel tool, files, and sandpaper – it’s ridiculously laborious, but as an artist I love crafting things by hand. I do not use any laser cutters/pro machines to cut these out. The backlit designs are a complex creation I’ve come up with over the past few years from doing lots of R&D. I’ve changed my methods over time, and continue to do so as I discover new techniques.
I hope I’ve succeeded in creating something that resembles the look and feel of the original TMNT and makes you smile. It’s taken just over two months to create, but I think it was worth every minute.
Here are more photos for your enjoyment!
I would like to order one of these…The ‘Backlit TMNT / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles NES. How do I go about doing this?
This is amazing! I would definitely be willing to buy this, and I know a lot of other people that would too!
Just saw this on facebook and have to say – LOVE it! We played TMNT on old school nintendo on our “game day” at my company just days before this posted and man, it took me back. This is crazy awesome.
I just want to know how I can get one of these. I am a huge TMNT fan and have been my entire life. I started out with the NES at 3 years old. If this is an option I would love one.
Amazing work. please send me info on how to commission you to get one of these. awesome
Words can’t describe your attention to detail, and your craftsmanship!. I would love to get one of these, how would we go about getting one of these?.
Wow! This work is amazing! Do you have any of these for sale?
Shut up and take my money!!!!!
Wow looks great would love to buy one ,Please let me know
Where can I order one of these!!!!!
Where can I order one.
I would love to purchase this, if possible! Please let me know how I can go about doing so. I have a TMNT collection that this would be ideal for 🙂
I would love to find out how to get one also. Please please please. This is awesome!
I would love to get one!
Do you sale these? If so, how much? I asked my younger sister( she’s deployed at the moment) what she wanted and I got a picture back of this product!
Is this for sale? If so, how much?
I sooo want to buy this for my husbands birthday or any of your customized ones tmnt, zelda, all them look amazing. How can I buy one?
is it possible for me to order one of these??
Dude this is genuinely incredible! I would love to know much you’re asking for one of these so I could potential buy one or two from you.
How much would this run for??
How can I own one of these I love the tmnt.
I’d like to buy one for a wedding gift !!! Can you buy these??!
Oh my word!!! This is awesome please tell me how much for your superb customised console its genius! =)
SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY! Please may I buy this????
How can I go about purchasing one? It looks amazing, by the way. Great job!
I want one were can I order?
OMG this is beautiful work. The detail is insane. How can I order one from you? You are a true artist. PLZ Get back to me so I can have this is in my life asap
how much???
I would like to order one of these…The ‘Backlit TMNT / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles NES. How do I go about doing this?
How couldi purchase one of these.
Can you please let me know how I can get one of these for myself? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE??!!
Boyfriend and I would pay greatly for this. Like a lot. Please tell me how we can get this!
How do I purchase one!!!!
Omg I want one. How do I go on getting one.
All the detail put into the system is awesome and words can’t describe. My son loves the turtle’s so when I saw this it made me think of him. And was wondering how I can get a system like this one. If you can get back to me at the email attached I would appreciate it.
This is so dope! How do I go about ordering one?
I want to buy one please
Extremely interested in buying one! Cowabunga!